Koyuki Hada

A seemingly demure Raen Au Ra from the Koshu island of Hingashi. She claims to be a wandering priestess of kami; however she is more akin to a shaman. Hada loves to help those in need with wards, blessings, or healing of the body, mind and soul.

This is a work in progress updated December 12th, 2023. My to-do list:

Add 2-3 screenshots to the Idiosyncrasies page, improve colours and buttons, and add more information about my FC as a placeholder until I make a carrd for it.
General overall improvements to colour scheme, readability, verbage, and layout.
Add a Media page for screenshots and art that will be put up as I feel I have enough to warrant a full page.

Thank you for understanding

A fair skinned Raen Au Ra. Her attire is always clean and in pristine condition. Hada favors style just as much as comfort but she makes no compromise on her appearance in public.

  • Thick Hingan Accent; Can Struggle With Eorzean

  • Silky Hair; Often Dyed

  • Less Scales Than Common

  • Dark Brown Eyes

  • Lips Usually Subtly Glossy With Natural Colours

  • Always Wears A Gold Choker With An Opalescent Gem

  • Subtly Longer Canine Teeth

  • Nails Perfectly Manicured

She usually uses the same perfume. It's subtly floral and woodsy. Not easy to pick out in a crowd without a keen sense of smell or without being close. The exact perfume can be found at the bottom of the Details page.

As a wandering priestess it's no secret she seeks to help those in need. Owner of Celestial Sanctuary, known as Director Hada by the employees, she runs a safe place to relax, heal, and have fun. It is open to all who will respect the house's basic and simple rules.

  • Skilled with aether manipulations, in particular more unique and esoteric styles? She'd love to learn more!

  • Need Help? Hada is a talented and creative problem solver. Particularly with magical solutions

  • Need A Place To Rest or Heal? Hada is the director of Celestial Sanctuary; a public cottage in Lavender Beds 2nd Ward, Plot 47. Aetheryte: Lavender Northwest Subdivision

The button 'Idiosyncrasies' works! However, the page is still incomplete. It may be difficult to read and is missing screenshots.Thank you for understanding

Out of Character

Hey everyone! Some quick and basic OOC info here

  • RP /roleplaying = In Character

  • Walk-Ups Always Welcomed While IC. I don't afk with /rp up!

  • My Character Is A Polyglot, Not Me

  • I Prefer /say & /emote

  • Basic RP Etiquette Please!

  • Mature Themes Are Fine. 21+ Year Olds Only For MRP

  • Mare Available Upon Request

  • Discord Available For Socialising & Planning. I Don't RP On Discord

You can find much more detailed information in the OOC button below. This includes my roleplaying style, limitations, and some personal information.

I add this because some people may find it more immersive or fun to other languages in place of English to represent XIV languages. However, I only understand English. Sorry!

Give Name: Koyuki
Family Name: Hada
Raen Au Ra
Looks In Her 20's
Tanidaitenzan, Hingashi
Soft Scales
Heavy Hingan Accent
Feminine, Demure, Warm
Current Residence(s)
Celestial Sanctuary, Twelveswood
Director of Celestial Sanctuary • Priestess of Kami • Geomancer • Ritualist
Private Nyaaaa
Personality Type
INFJ (New Website)
Sakura Parfum Satori
Top Note: Cherry
Middle Notes: Cherry Blossom, Rose and Jasmine
Base Notes: Incense, Precious Woods, Moss and Musk

Hada is a wandering priestess of Kami who travels the star to aid those in need. She can perform Far Eastern Rituals, healing, and protect. She also tries to be good company socially.A woman appearing in her mid twenties, she claims to be born in Tanidaitenzan, Hingashi. It is a village so small that many maps do not mark it's location nestled on the base and slope of the Daitenzan mountain.Hada can be demure with people she doesn't know. However, she can be playful and a little silly. Sometimes this may seem unprofessional and immature, but don't be fooled into thinking she's incompetent.

  • Have you need of healing? An unusual ailment or even family curse? Hada can help!

  • Does your home or land need to be warded or purified? Hada can help!

  • Worried the souls of loved ones are not passing to the lifestream? Hada can help!

  • Do you find yourself in need of mystical charms for just about anything? Hada can help!

  • Do you wish to have magically enhanced armor or weapons? Hada can help!

  • Do you wish to have magically enhanced armor or weapons? Hada can help!

  • Do you need a good drinking buddy? It may take time for her to be comfortable, but Hada loves to drink!

  • Are you in Twelveswood and looking for a comfortable place to relax or stay the night at? Celestial Sanctuary can help!

  • None of these actually work? Just say hi! Plots are fun and all, but sometimes just saying hi gets it all started. I'm always happy to discuss alternatives OOC as well.

Important Disclaimer:
When it comes to healing or helping with curses, I shall work with you. If you do not want everything fixed for story reasons, I do not mind.

Celestial Sanctuary is a Free Company house located at Plot 47, 2nd Ward, The Lavender Beds. It's a public venue that's almost always open. It's a simple place for those in need of healing and rest. Idyllic and nature-themed, Director Hada currently operates it. All services except alcohol are free of charge.

The section below contains spoilers and information that isn't necessarily public info. Please understand the purpose of this section is to just give you an idea of my character. If you would prefer to learn about Hada through roleplay instead, please click one of the buttons above and skip this section entirely ♥


Happiness ٩(^◡^)۶

  • Revelry & Parties

  • Socialising

  • Drinking with Friends

  • Plushies

  • Cute Animals

  • Spas, Saunas, Hot Springs, etc

  • Playing Games

  • Privacy When Desired

  • Stories & Folklore

  • Mint

  • Fried Tofu

  • Most Alcohols. Sweeter Is Better

Annoyance ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ

  • Rudeness

  • Intolerance / Hatred

  • Constant Pessimism

  • Public Obscenities

  • Unexpected Violence

  • Most Authoritative Groups

  • Lightning / Electric Energy

  • Cold Water

  • Canines

Out of Character

Hey everyone! Thank you for coming to look at my carrd. It's still a massive work in progress! I posted it to get my OOC info out there. My name is Lily and I'm a 21+ year old woman. I typically roleplay late night and early morning weekdays. My work schedule makes roleplaying on weekends almost impossible most of the year.I've been playing MMORPGs (FFXI my first!) since about 2004. I was introduced to roleplaying in MMOs around 2013 and it quickly became one of my favorite hobbies. I've mostly being roleplaying in FFXIV, though I did dabble a little in ESO, SWTOR, and GW2.If you have any questions after reading this page feel free to ask!

I hate sounding negative or hostile, but it needs saying. If any of below mentioned points are ignored, I will either ask you to discontinue or blacklist you. Please understand I am not trying to tell anyone how they should roleplay. I'm explaining what makes me uncomfortable and makes my hobby of roleplaying unappealing.

Absolutely Not's for me are as followed: Metagaming / Godmodding
Character Death / Permanent Maiming
Non-consensual Sex Scenes
ERP scenes with minors (IC or OOC minors)
IC and OOC shall always remain separate entities
I roleplay for fun, not RL romance. I am not interested in long distance relationships.
I do not tolerate bigotry and prejudice. Including but not exclusive to: Sexuality, gender, or race.

A Polite Disclaimer
Please understand this character is not a self-insert of my opinions or views. Not all of Hada's views are necessarily shared with me, the player. With that in mind she is LGBTQ+ friendly, and those are my own personal beliefs.

What I'm looking for is long-term IC contacts, friends, and possibly (but unlikely) a roleplaying Free Company suitable for my character. I enjoy writing and don't mind meeting people in idle conversation without any serious commitment to follow despite seeking long-term contacts. It's how you have to meet people anyway and is usually still fun!Roleplaying Style: I have a strong preference for /say and /emote. I try to write several lines per post if it's warranted and am not against multi-paragraph posting. I will try to mirror who I am roleplaying with to the best of my ability. I typically only use /tell in RP in conjunction with an emote to indicate my character is whispering or in response to a shared (IC) 'linkpearl'.In-Game Languages: Another note I would like to elaborate on is that I will always write in English. I will not use another real world language in substitute of a fantasy language. Pretty please do not assume that I know common Japanese or really any non-English phrases/words when used in place of game languages. Having to use a translator only makes RP feel more clunky to me. When my character does speak in a different language than common IC, I use XIV's autotranslate brackets symbols that loosely will look like: "{| Hello, my name is Hada and I am speaking in Hingan right now. |}"Walk-ups: I love them. If you see me with /roleplaying up you do not have to ask if it's okay to approach. It always is! My average post time is between 2-5 minutes, but sometimes a more complex post may take up to 10 minutes. If longer that that, I may of missed your post and will not begrudge anyone for a /tell poke. I sometimes disable standard emotes from being displayed due to spam. If your approach is just a standard emote I may miss it.Mature themes: I'm open to almost all mature themes except sexual violence and non-consensual sex scenes. If you're worried, do not hesitate to ask if a scene is alright. I don't easily judge or feel a need to shame anyone's style.Erotic Roleplay: I'm not wholly against it, nor am I driven by it. Hada tends to be prude and reserved in such topics.Lore: I abide to FFXIV's to the best of my ability. Please do not mistake this as me being a lore enforcer. I am open minded and recognize creativity is a large part of roleplay and we are fortunate enough to play an MMORPG with a lot of flexibility. A note about her name. She formally goes by Hada, her Family name. However, in Character Creation, it says directly "Forename" and "Surname" in that order. So that is how I chose to name her.Combat Roleplay: Hada is a peaceful woman and not likely to get involved in any serious fights. I prefer some OOC communication when combat is involved and don't favor /random. It has a place, though. However, if an attack is very obvious and telegraphed I'm not going to indulge a roll. i.e. Your character says "I'm going to punch you in the face". /em throws a punch. No amount of rng is going to make my character stand there and get hit.Socially: I am a little timid and do not like to impose. I accept all friend requests but I'm shy about sending them out most of the time. This is not a reflection of my thoughts on our RP together or your character. I also largely consider /tell and party to be OOC unless there's some indication it's IC. This means sometimes I may forget (( brackets )) to indicate I'm talking OOC in these channels. I will always use "quotes" for my IC posts.Mare is available upon request. If we cease RPing I may pause you. I may also pause you if you have obnoxious animations/sounds that you spam frequently, especially outside of RP. I'm looking at you, screenshake Doters.Discord is available upon request. I do not roleplay via Discord, though. It's mostly for scheduling and planning RP or just socialising.